Play first, plan later

You know when you’re trying to figure out the next steps in your life, like whether to keep your day job or leap into running your own business but it’s just so overwhelming you can’t decide? Or when your kids get a little older and you start having more head space and energy for a new adventure, but you don't know what it should be? Or when you feel completely stuck and you have a ton of beliefs about what you think you should be doing, but none of it feels ...

Creativity - No pan needed

Cakes don’t need to be baked in pans. At least that’s what I discovered one day after I moved in with my boyfriend in his Brooklyn apartment back in my 20s. Having a serious boyfriend was rather new to me, and actually living together was brand spanking new, too. I wasn’t much of a cook, and honestly, I'm still not, but I remember for a few weeks, I was having a lot of fun planning and cooking meals.  And then one day, I decided I was going to make a cake. So after work, ...


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